International Child Development Programme | ICDP Ukraine

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International Child Development Programme

New trainers at Moldova workshop


In order to earn their ICDP Trainer diploma a team of eight professionals from Ukraine and Moldova, implemented the ICDP programme in Ukraine, Moldova and Russia. The Moldova team also introduced ICDP to a group of Romanian specialists.

After a period of two years of receiving training in ICDP and subsequently piloting small scale projects in different contexts and with different target groups, this group of professionals received their ICDP Trainer Diplomas at the workshop held during the first week of March, at the Voinicel Early Intervention Institute, in Kishinev, Moldova.
Nicoletta Armstrong, who conducted the training explains:

“Marina Calac, Silvia Breabin, Ala Benderschi and Mariana Jalba are a group of professionals that have been working together for a number of years at the Early Intervention Institute in Kishinev  and they included the ICDP programme in their work with parents and children with different types of disability. At the recent workshop they told moving stories about the changes they had observed in parents who attended the ICDP groups. They also presented the ICDP methodology to other groups in Kishinev and even introduced ICDP through seminars to their Romanian partner, the Romania Inocenti Foundation. The certification workshop for trainers was held at their beautiful premises where they made everyone very welcome.

The Ukrainian team of trainers included Anna Trukhan, Sergii Krasin, Marina Skliar and Sarachan Elena. During the past year all four were obliged to abandon their homes due to the conflict and war in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. They moved to conflict free cities and managed to rebuild their lives in Kharkiv, Rostov and Moscow. Marina and Elena found jobs as teachers in Rostov and Moscow respectively, and soon thereafter they started to run parent groups in the two schools that employed them.  Their work was noticed by the school directors who became interested in the methodology and asked them to give ICDP training to most of the other school teachers. Anna and Sergii are both psychologists and after moving to Kharkiv they too continued with their ICDP activities, by conducting ICDP workshops and giving talks at professional conferences and by contacting different groups linked to universities; as a result they trained many groups of professionals and university students in ICDP.
Rarely has ICDP issued diplomas to a more deserving team. Theirs is an example of courage, human spirit and resilience, and their story is also one of great commitment to ICDP. Faced with enormous upheavals in their lives these ICDP trainers managed to find a way to continue their ICDP work taking the ICDP messages to many new groups of parents and children, caregivers, psychologists, social workers and teachers.

PROJECT WITH UNICEF: At this workshop, we also made plans for ICDP developments envisaged to take place in Ukraine during 2015 and this was done together with Marianne Fresjarå Abdalla from the Norwegian Peace Association. Marianne secured funding from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry and in fact she has been supporting the work in Ukraine for many years now. Another important development is establishing a link with UNICEF. UNICEF is behind the initiative of setting up twenty new centres for children in the conflict affected areas and it was agreed that ICDP training is to be given to the staff in these centres. This means that the newly certified ICDP trainers will be busy in 2015 training new groups of facilitators who in turn will apply the ICDP programme with families and children victims of the conflict.”





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